Rugs are really popular these days as they could be found in almost all the homes. Rugs made in the factories also add beauty to the overall look of your house but what a handmade rug does to your house’s setup is totally exceptional. It adds a totally different poise to your home’s layout.

These are the things you need to keep in mind while purchasing a handmade area rug for your home sweet home.

Handmade Rugs Are Made With Such Delicate Attention

When you go to the market, there’s a plethora of things placed in front of you to lure you into buying them. As a wise shopper, you need to be determined about what you are going to pay for. There’s a wide array of things that look enticing in the first place but you need to focus on the one that is likely to meet your needs.

Whatever you decide to buy, you need to do a thorough research about that thing, you need to know the tiny details so that you can pick the best piece out of the giant stock.

When it comes to handmade rugs, see, they’re very much unlike those made in factories with the help of machines. A lot of effort is taken to get these rugs done; time and workforce – both got to be multiplied. Those who manufacture these rugs are skilled workers who know this craft at best. They work extremely hard to come up with the best they can make.

Never Conflate Hand-Tufted Rugs With Hand-Knotted Rugs

When it comes to traditional handmade rugs, there are two different kinds; hand-knotted and hand-tufted rugs. While purchasing your hand-knotted rug, do not confuse it with a hand-tufted rug. It’s not the same at all — only the names look a little alike. Both are slightly different in terms of their core ilk.

Hand-tufted rugs are usually made with a tufting gun. A worker is supposed to hold it in their hand and jostle it forward.

Be Ready To Pay Heavily Because Hand-Made Rugs Are Expensive

Handmade rugs are not as cheap as other rugs because they are brought into being after tiresome efforts of skilled workers who’ve dedicated their entire life to this profession. Rug-making is their bread and butter, and they rely on it for their survival. Hence, they do not sell themselves short. This is the reason you have to buy a hand-made rug worth a lot of money. On the other hand, rugs made with heavy machinery in factories cost you much less because it takes miniscule effort to get them made.

You Have A Choice Between Oriental Handmade Rugs And Persian Handmade Rugs

Oriental rugs are usually made in Southeast Asia; countries like Iran, Afghanistan, India and Nepal are the prime manufacturers of Oriental handmade rugs. These Oriental rugs have found their competition in the guise of Persian handmade rugs; Persian hand-made rugs are those made in modern-day Persia aka Iran.

When you leave for the market, while you’re on your way to the nearest rug seller, you can Google these two types of rugs and finalize the one you’re going to end up buying. It’s better to make up your mind before heading towards the market.

You Can Either Choose From The Range Or Have It Custom-Made For You

Rug industry has flourished so far and wide that now almost every country is able to manufacture and export rugs. There are so many sellers that not only sell a wide variety of stocked rugs, they also take orders for customized rugs. Now, you can get your favorite rug delivered at your home, so if you have a design for your rug in mind, without further ado, hire a custom-made rug seller and get the job done.

Learn To Differ Between Turkish Knot And Persian Knot

Not all handmade rugs are made the same way. Persian rugs and Turkish rugs are knotted differently, so you’ve got a couple of options to skim through.

Don’t forget to make a smart choice while you’re on your way to a rug store Vienna VA for your personal space. If you fail to examine which of the two ways a rug has been knotted, you can ask the seller to guide you through. The sellers are obliged to share all the details with their potential customers and that’s how you can gain an insight.

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