You might have heard of septic systems and their tanks being underground. Well, there are septic systems that can be above-ground. If you’re considering a septic system installation for your house, take a look at the pros and cons of a mound septic system.

Mound Septic System

A mound septic system is a septic tank assembly installed above the ground.
Traditional septic tanks are usually underground and you can’t really see them, but mound septic systems are different because they can be installed right on top. So, you don’t need to worry about anything like excavating the ground, making sure the soil is good enough, etc. It is a simple and easy way of dealing with wastewater. A mound septic system consists of:

Septic Tank

First thing first, there is a septic tank, which is the heart of any septic system, regardless of where it is installed. It is the place where all of the wastewater is collected.

Dosing Chamber

Also known as the distribution chamber, this component separates all of the solids and liquids from the wastewater and leads it to the next step.

Drain Field

It is a mechanism that leads the wastewater from the distribution or dosing chamber to the soil where it is absorbed and dealt with.

Pros Of A Mound Septic System

Well, now that you know what a mound septic system is, and what parts it consists of, it’s important to go over the advantages of this very unique septic system type. Here are some of the things that make mound septic systems superior to its other counterparts.

Installation Is Easy

This one is quite obvious, but installing a mound septic system is way easier than a traditional septic system. Think about it – you have to excavate the ground for a traditional septic system and there is just too much work altogether.

Whereas, a mound septic system is really easy to install. All you need to do is figure out a place where to put it and the rest can follow suit very easily. It doesn’t get any easier than this. A mound septic system will change the way you think about septic tank installation.

Everything Is Above-Ground

This is also another very hard-to-beat advantage of the mound septic system, but it’s true. Everything you need is above the ground. So, if you want to fix something, if there’s anything that you have to maintain or obstructions to remove from the tank, you don’t need to excavate the ground or disturb the soil.

The mound septic system is easily accessible, thanks to it being underground. This makes all of the work, like fixing clogs, cleaning, and repairs, super easy and it’s also very fast because you can go in and reach the thing you need to fix and that is pretty much it. With traditional septic systems, half the battle is reaching the septic tank to deal with the problem and that is a whole different ball game in itself.

Doesn’t Contaminate Water

A lot of the time, underground septic systems can be dangerous for high water tables and subsoil water levels. Even though they don’t leak, there is always that inkling in the back of your head that the water will be contaminated and it’s a possibility that you can’t just shake off.

However, with a mound septic system, the water table and the septic tank itself are separated, so there is no way that water will get contaminated, which is a big relief.

Soil Type Doesn’t Matter

With an underground septic system, there is a lot of consideration about the soil type that you need to keep in mind. The soil has to be packed. It shouldn’t be too unconsolidated and it has to be of a certain grade to be able to hold an in-ground septic tank and its weight.

Well, with a mound septic system, there is no such worry about anything soil-related. You can easily get it installed on any type of ground or any type of soil consolidation. Therefore, septic tank service Hancock professionals recommend a mound system when the soil is not suitable for a conventional septic system.

Cons Of A Mound Septic System

Not all things are that great and mound septic systems are no exception either. Here are some of the very bad things about a mound septic system.

It Is Expensive

You might think that installing a mound septic system is going to be inexpensive, since there is no excavation involved, right? Well, partly. Even though the initial installation cost of a mound septic system is not as astronomically high, the same can’t be said about the maintenance costs and those are the ones that come back to bite you.

The maintenance costs of mound septic tanks are very expensive, sometimes even surpassing those of traditional septic tanks. So, it is a bummer that not everything convenient can be inexpensive too.

It Can Reek

What you can’t see is something that you don’t need to worry about. This is something that a lot of people take for granted when it comes to traditional septic tanks. They don’t smell as bad, especially if they’re not overflowing and they are well-maintained. But the same can’t be said about a mound septic system.

It is basically above the ground and it is not only visible to everyone, but the smell isn’t far away either. If you are not maintaining your septic tank, then putrid smells will envelop the space around it and in a matter of time, everything will reek. That is something that seriously cuts off major points.

Wastewater Discharge Is Hard

With a traditional septic tank, everything is pretty much automated. Thanks to the flow of water and the way the tank is made, you don’t need to manually do anything, unless it is maintenance-related. Well, when it comes to a mound septic tank, it needs to be emptied with the help of pumps.

That is a whole issue in itself, because not only do you need to do it by yourself or get a professional, but you will also need to get those suction pumps for the job. And, it’s not something that you can ignore, because once the tank is brimming with wastewater, you need to get rid of it and this is the only way.

Not Suitable For Everyone

A traditional septic system is amazing in a lot of ways, primarily because it’s underground. There is no need for you to have a lot of land space, as far as traditional septic systems are concerned. Well, when it comes to mound septic systems, you need a lot of land space.

You need to have space for the tank to sit comfortably without disturbing other things on the ground. This, for a lot of people, isn’t possible, which makes a mound septic system a no-go.


A mound septic system is going to change the way you think about drain fields and wastewater. Well, now you know everything – from the good to the bad – about a mound septic system. If you need help choosing the right type of septic system for your house, consult septic companies Keedysville.

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