waking woman on the white pillow

There are a lot of things that can disrupt your sleep at night. Whether it be night terrors, nightmares, sleeping positions, insomnia, etc., falling asleep can be impossible for some people. But what if you break out in sweats in the middle of the night? What is that? Should visit a sleep center Silver Spring? Here is everything you need to know about it.

Night Sweats

Night sweats is defined as the condition when you wake up in the middle of the night covered in sweat. It’s not just a thin layer of moisture on your skin. This is a full-blown attack of your bodily fluids. You’ll be soaked through and the clothes you’re wearing will be wet to the fiber.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s cold, hot, or anything, you will sweat profusely. Usually, the main cause of night sweats is an underlying issue or illness. Your body might have a natural reaction to just sweat to induce balance in the body. This is why you should gauge your body’s reaction when you’re sweating.

Night sweats can be so intense that it can even soak your bedding or whatever you’re laying on top of. Also, no matter if you’re covering yourself with 10 blankets or nothing, night sweats will be persistent and they won’t go away unless you get to the bottom of the issue and solve the problem once and for all. This is why knowing the symptoms and causes of night sweats is super important.

Causes Of Night Sweats

Now that you know how night sweats are different from regular sweats and it’s just not a normal reaction of your body, here are some of the causes of this very confusing disorder.

Drinking A Lot Of Water Before Sleep

If you drink too much water right before you go to sleep, then you won’t only wake up constantly in the middle of the night for using the bathroom, but you will also sweat profusely.

This is odd, but studies have shown that intake of water right before bed can lead to an increased intensity of night sweats and sleep issues.


It can also be caused by a condition called hyperhidrosis. It is a disorder that makes you sweat a lot, no matter what time of the day it is. It doesn’t lead to any problem though, it’s pretty harmless.


In women, night sweats can be caused by menopause. It is also known as hot flushes and you’ll experience a lot of sweating especially after you stop having regular menstruation cycles.

This mainly happens because of a hormonal imbalance in your brain and that can cause a lot of things to go haywire in the body, including the way and amount you sweat, which is frustrating.

Anxiety And Depression

If you suffer from anxiety and depression and are taking medication for it, then one thing or the other can cause night sweats.

Anxiety, in general, can make you feel jumpy and just a nervous wreck, so it will be easy for you to sweat at night. But there are also certain medications, like anti-depressants and things like that, which can cause you to swear at night a lot.


If you’re a regular consumer of alcohol, then its aftereffects can include more things than just feeling hungover. It can also cause a lot of sweating, especially in the middle of the night.

Low Blood Sugar Or Low Blood Pressure

If you have low blood sugar or even low blood pressure, then it can cause your body to sweat a lot. In turn, this can make you droopy as well, because sweat contains a lot of electrolytes and minerals and you’re losing them at breakneck speed. So, you will feel out of energy, and very tired, on top of dealing with the sweaty mess.

No Cause

Sometimes, there might be no answer as to why night sweats occur. This is frustrating because you just don’t know what causes an issue and that’s why it gets harder to fix it.

Symptoms Of Night Sweats

Now that you know what the causes of night sweats are, here are some common symptoms.

Sweat On Different Parts Of The Body

The most obvious one is sweat, but you won’t just break out in sweat on your forehead, upper lips, and maybe your armpits. You’ll be drenched in sweat. You will be covered in sweat from head to toe and you’ll soak the sheets and anything else you’re in bed with.

That’s how much you’ll sweat, which is alarming. It’s not just a layer of sweat. You’ll be covered in sweat like it’s a second layer of skin.

Sweat Irrespective Of The Weather or Your Clothing

No matter the weather or what you’re wearing, you sweat a lot. A lot of people who suffer from night sweats will even sweat profusely during the winter months.

Red Skin

Your skin will be flushed as if you just ran a marathon. You won’t be hot per se, but your skin will have that intense red look as if you’ve been in the sauna all day, rather than trying to sleep.


You will also feel pain in a specific area. This can be your chest, your stomach, your limbs, or even your groin. Sometimes, the pain is just unbearable and you can’t do anything but just breathe through it. The reason for it is unknown but it doesn’t take away the fact that it’s very uncomfortable.

Dry Mouth

You’ll feel very parched and there will be a wave of exhaustion that just washes over you. You won’t have any energy, because after sweating a lot, you lose electrolytes. You should visit a sleep clinic Frederick for diagnosis.

Treatment & Management For Night Sweats

Here are some of the ways by which you can manage or treat night sweats:

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy is a very ingenious solution for your night sweats. It’s a way to regulate your hormones and reduce sweat naturally. It is a great way to deal with this issue, but it’s always recommended that you ask a doctor first.

You need to follow through with the instructions and then get hormone replacement therapy.


If medicine is the cause of your night sweats, then the doctor can change it. Nine times out of ten, it works like a charm. Medicine can have a side effect on your body and it can include night sweats, so you should know what causes it in the first place.

Calming Techniques

Anxiety or depression-induced sweating can also be treated by calming yourself down. This is really hard, at least in the beginning, because you’re training your brain and body to calm down when it doesn’t have an idea how to do it in the first place. Well, it takes some time, but it does get better in the end.

Lifestyle Changes

Other lifestyle modifications like not consuming alcohol, going to bed with the thermostat on low, and not overheating your body will also ensure that night sweats become history. It is a slow process, but you’ll get there eventually and you won’t wake up in a sweat puddle.


Night sweats is a really common occurrence and it doesn’t even need to be blistering hot for you to feel like you’re sweating a river. If it occurs multiple times, see a sleep specialist Bethesda.

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