Ready-mix concrete as the term suggests is concrete that is mixed at the production site and delivered to the client’s door. It saves a lot of time and effort as concrete prepared on the site can take a lot of time to remove the concrete mixture. However, ready-mix concrete is available in different types and mixtures based on the needs and preferences of the customer. This means that if you are ordering ready-mix concrete for the first time, you need to put in your research. We have complied a list of some of the most important factors you need to consider before ordering ready mix concrete delivery.

Grade Of Concrete Or Mix Design

The first and most important factor you need to know before ordering ready-mix concrete is the grade of the concrete or mix design. As mentioned earlier, concrete is available in different types, which means different quantities and types of admixtures are added based on the task.

From the outside, the concrete may look the same but the difference lies in the curing and drying process. The difference in quantity and type of admixtures depends on whether you need to build a new structure or repair an existing one.

If you are not aware of the basics, you will most likely end up ordering the wrong type of concrete. When repairing cracks, holes, or damages, you need a strong mixture that will not only cover but also strengthen the area more than ever. Plus, the technique of application may also vary based on the type of admixture and quantity used.

Therefore, you should do your homework and make notes if required. Ordering concrete without having knowledge or experience will simply be a waste of time and money.

Source And Quality Of The Ingredients

Ready-mix concrete uses a lot of admixtures to achieve certain properties. While you may think there aren’t any malpractices involved, some producers tend to adopt some techniques such as adding too much fly ash to reduce their costs. At the same time, the contractors may also require the same by compromising the quality and strength.

This is why, when it comes to ordering ready-mix concrete, you should always check the source and quality of the ingredients. The best way to ensure that is to opt for a licensed and authentic dealer. A certified manufacturer won’t hesitate to show off their ingredients and guide you along the way as well.

However, you need to keep in mind that quality ready-mix concrete can be expensive. But that should not matter if you are already working on an expensive building or repairing it. Choosing quality and strength over cheap prices goes a long way when it comes to ensuring the cement withstands the test of time.

Project Objective

Since ready-mix concrete is a versatile product, it can be used in a variety of applications. Plus, there is no one-size-fits-all as ready-mix concrete can be made to perform all sorts of building and repairing tasks. That said, you should determine the project objective to be able to order the appropriate type.

This way, you will prevent ordering the wrong type of concrete, costing you a lot of money and effort. For some constructions, you need a quick-setting mix while some other you may need a slow-setting ready-mix concrete. Therefore, while ordering ready-mix concrete, you should consult an expert as well to pick the optimal mixture.

When planning the project whether it’s building a backyard walkway or building a high-rise, you should consider durability, workability, grade, and strength.

Time For Transportation

Believe it or not, minor factors such as the time required for transportation play an important role when it comes to ensuring the quality and strength of concrete. Ideally, ready-mix concrete should be poured within 2 hours of the time of loading at the production plant.

But a longer period may be permitted if the right type of admixture is used. This means that if the concrete is supposed to be transported to a farther site, the producer should add the right amount of admixture for the concrete to withstand long hours of transportation.

If the concrete is not poured and used within time, it will dry and will be of no use. So, it is suggested to clear the way and allow the transportation process to complete so that the concrete mix delivery Silver Spring is done safely. Since it takes a lot of time to produce and transport, you wouldn’t want your days to go to waste.

Test Of Concrete

Some states have strict rules & regulations regarding quality assurance of concrete. That said, some production facilities are required to have test facilities at their site to carry out routine tests i.e. concrete cube testing, concrete slump test, etc. This allows the client to check the quality of the concrete before it is delivered, saving valuable time.

Then again, the tests will vary based on the types of admixtures used and the purpose of the concrete. One type of test does not apply to all types of concrete and sometimes, multiple tests may be run to double-check the quality.

For this, you should know about various testing procedures as well. If you find it hard, you should consult an expert. The last thing you would want is poor-quality concrete ending up at your doorstep with hardly any use at all.

Traffic Problem

The amount of time between concrete production at the facility and the delivery is crucial. Not many contractors realize this or simply ignore it but trucks carrying concrete need a safe and trouble-free route to be able to reach the destination safely and on time.

As mentioned earlier, concrete can easily dry out if not poured or used within time. Therefore, once you have placed an order for ready-mix concrete, you should make sure the route to your site should be free of any obstacles. The longer the trucks have to wait, the bigger the risk of the concrete drying out.

Amount Of Concrete Required

Determining the amount of concrete required for the project is of crucial importance. Since there are a lot of factors that come into play, you have to be precise and accurate about how much concrete you need. You will get ready-mix concrete delivery of the quantity you ordered, so make sure your order a bit more than the quantity you need.

Ordering excessive concrete will simply lead to wastage and extra costs. Similarly, ordering less amount will cause delays in the project. Concrete is usually measured in cubic yards and there are many scales and websites that allow you to calculate the exact amount.

The reason why we stated that you should order than you require is make sure that if any errors are made or spills happen, there is enough concrete to complete the project. Otherwise, you will have to order more again and will have to wait till its delivered. This can waste from a few hours to days. And if this happens frequently, it can derail your entire construction schedule.


From the admixtures to the correct amount required, you should not face any confusion while ordering your first batch if you follow the above tips. Simply make sure you opt for an authentic ready mix concrete supplier Montgomery County and consult an expert to prevent wasting time, money, and effort.

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